What Does “Hurriquake” Mean? Southern California Shaken by 5.1 Earthquake During Rare Tropical Storm

What Does "Hurriquake" Mean? Southern California Shaken by 5.1 Earthquake During Rare Tropical Storm
(Image by Geek Chambers)

On Sunday afternoon, Southern California was rattled by a magnitude 5.1 earthquake centered near Ojai, about 80 miles northwest of Los Angeles. The quake struck Ventura County at 2:41 pm local time, triggering shaking felt across the region. The event gave rise to the term Hurriquake, let us take a look at what the term means along with the current situation.

What Does “Hurriquake” Mean?

The term “hurriquake” emerged on social media to characterize the exceptionally rare occurrence of an earthquake coinciding with a tropical storm in Southern California. “Hurriquake” combines the words hurricane and earthquake to describe this dual seismic and storm phenomenon experienced on Sunday. With Southern California experiencing shaking from the 5.1 magnitude quake centered near Ojai at the same time as rainfall from Tropical Storm Hilary, many found “hurriquake” a fitting descriptor for this highly unusual dual event for the region. The coinciding of a rare seismic event and storm system colliding simultaneously was an exceptional situation that helped drive the popularity of this new term on social media platforms.

Coinciding With Tropical Storm Hilary

The earthquake occurred while Southern California was being affected by Tropical Storm Hilary, leading to the term “hurriquake” across social media. This dual occurrence of a rare seismic event and storm system colliding was an exceptional situation for the region.

  • The temblor hit as Hilary approached, making landfall for the first time since 1939.
  • Many on Twitter and other platforms labeled the phenomenon a “hurriquake” to describe the coincidence of earthquake and tropical storm.

Widespread Shaking Felt Across Southern California

The epicenter was located approximately 4 miles southeast of Ojai and 12 miles north of Ventura, resulting in widespread shaking reports.

  • The USGS reported the epicenter was about 4 miles southeast of Ojai and 12 miles north of Ventura.
  • Shaking was felt extensively, with reports from as far as Santa Barbara, the San Fernando Valley, Malibu, Porter Ranch, and Manhattan Beach.

No Major Damage Reported in Infrastructure and Urban Areas

Authorities conducted aerial surveys of critical infrastructure like dams and bridges and found no significant damage. The Los Angeles Fire Department also surveyed the city following earthquake protocols and did not report substantial impacts.  Earthquakes below magnitude 5.5 are typically considered moderate events capable of causing light to moderate damage near the epicenter. Sunday’s magnitude 5.1 quake was the strongest to hit Ventura County since 1994.

Series of Aftershocks Expected

Seismologists say numerous aftershocks are anticipated following the main quake, with over a dozen already recorded.

  • Seismologist Dr. Lucy Jones noted aftershocks are likely in the coming days.
  • Over 12 aftershocks of magnitude 3.0 or greater were recorded shortly after the main shock.
  • The largest aftershock registered a magnitude of 3.9, also near Ojai.

No Evidence Linking Quakes and Weather Events

Some have questioned whether the simultaneous shaking and storms are more than a coincidence. However, experts assert there is no evidence of a link between seismicity and precipitation. The USGS states, “There is no pattern in California of large, damaging earthquakes occurring more frequently during periods of heavy precipitation or drought.”

With constant earthquake risk, avoiding complacency is key. Sometimes small and moderate temblors act as reminders that larger events are inevitable. Maintaining awareness, preparedness, and vigilance is vital, even during years without major shaking. Frequent seismicity explains why Earthquake Country has some of the nation’s most rigorous building codes.

In summary, Sunday’s 5.1 earthquake provided a moderate jolt to Southern California as Tropical Storm Hilary approached. While no major damage occurred, it served as an important reminder to stay prepared, as stronger shaking could occur any day. If you have any further questions about the Southern California earthquake and what a hurriquake means, comment below. We would love to hear from you and answer you. Stay Safe!

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