India Makes History with Successful Chandrayaan-3 Moon Landing on Lunar South Pole

India Makes History with Successful Chandrayaan-3 Moon Landing on Lunar South Pole
India Makes History with Successful Chandrayaan-3 Moon Landing on Lunar South Pole (Image via Geek Chambers)

India has cemented its place as an emerging space superpower by successfully landing its Chandrayaan-3 lunar mission on the moon’s uncharted south pole region. The lunar module, carrying rover Pragyan, touched down on the moon’s surface on August 23, 2023, at around 8:34 a.m. ET. With this monumental accomplishment, India has become the fourth nation after Russia, the US, and China to land a spacecraft on lunar soil. Most importantly, Chandrayaan-3 also marks the first time any space agency has landed on the moon’s south pole.

Chandrayaan-3  Journey to the Lunar South Pole

The Chandrayaan-3 module lifted off on July 14 aboard India’s heaviest rocket, the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III (GSLV MkIII), from Sriharikota spaceport. After a series of orbit-raising maneuvers over the following weeks, the lander separated from the orbiter on August 17 to initiate its descent to the moon’s surface.

The targeted landing site was located between two of the moon’s craters, Manzinus C and Simpelius N, at a latitude of about 70° south. This region on the southern pole has emerged as an important site for lunar exploration because of the confirmed presence of water ice. Water ice on the moon is a crucial discovery, as it can potentially be used for sustaining human life and fueling rockets on future deep space missions.

A Milestone Landing for Chandrayaan-3

Chandrayaan-3 rough braking phase

Chandrayaan-3 rough braking phase (Image via ISRO)

The Chandrayaan-3 landing craft fired its braking thrusters to slowly descend and touch down on the lunar surface on August 23. The mission control room at the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) headquarters in Bengaluru erupted into applause and celebrations as the landing was confirmed. In a statement, ISRO Chairman S. Somanath congratulated the team on “rising to the occasion and overcoming the odds.” The successful soft landing is a major achievement for ISRO scientists, especially since the previous Chandrayaan-2 mission crash-landed on the moon in 2019.

By sticking the landing after making key improvements to the spacecraft, India has staked its claim in the exclusive club of nations that have mastered lunar landing technology.

An Exciting Phase of Lunar Exploration

Now that Chandrayaan-3 has safely arrived, the solar-powered Pragyan rover will soon begin its mission to study the lunar surface. Furthermore, its instruments will examine the composition of the moon’s soil and rocks, providing insights into the moon’s evolution. The rover has a range of 500 meters and can transmit data and images back to Earth through the lander.

Chandrayaan-3’s landing site is also in close proximity to the area where NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter detected signs of frozen water. Additionally, the mission may be able to reveal more details about the nature and accessibility of the moon’s water ice reserves. This successful touchdown sets the stage for even more ambitious lunar missions by ISRO in the coming years. Furthermore, the space agency has revealed plans to launch the Chandrayaan-4 rover in 2024.

With other countries like the US, Russia, China, Japan, and South Korea ramping up their moon programs, this is an exciting phase of lunar exploration across the globe.

As one of the most cost-effective space agencies in the world, ISRO is cementing India’s reputation as an emerging space power that can achieve remarkable feats in space exploration even with a relatively modest budget. Also, Chandrayaan-3’s accomplishments prove India is well on its way to joining the ranks of leading spacefaring nations.

Lastly, if you have any further questions about the Chandrayaan-3 mission landing on the moon’s south pole, comment below. We would love to hear from you and help you.

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