Baldur’s Gate 3: A Guide to Find the Right Class

Image courtesy of Steam

Choosing your character’s class in Baldur’s Gate 3 can be a daunting task. With a multitude of options and a rich history rooted in Dungeons and Dragons, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But fear not! We’re here to break down the basics of each class to help you find the right class that suits you!

Baldur’s Gate 3 Right Classes For You

Baldur’s Gate 3 offers a wide range of class options. Each class has its distinct abilities, making it challenging to decide among the many choices. This guide will break down each class’s playstyle, helping you discover the perfect fit for your gameplay style.

Barbarian: Embrace the Frenzy

Barbarian BG3

Image courtesy of Baldur’s Gate 3

Are you itching to charge into battle with unbridled rage? The Barbarian class is tailor-made for you. 

  • With hefty weapons and the ability to go into a furious Rage, you’ll dish out serious damage while shrugging off hits. 
  • Subclasses like Berserker, Wildheart, and Wild Magic offer unique twists to your Berserker lifestyle.

Fighter: The Versatile Warrior

Fighter BG3

Image courtesy of Baldur’s Gate 3

If you prefer a more straightforward approach, the Fighter class has your back. 

  • Armed with an array of weapons and armor, you can tailor your playstyle to suit your preferences, be it heavy-hitting or tanking. 
  • Subclasses like Battle Master, Eldritch Knight, and Champion add depth to your combat prowess.

Monk: Unleash Your Inner Fistmaster

Monk BG3

Image courtesy of Baldur’s Gate 3

For those who want to punch their way through life, Monks offer a dynamic and agile playstyle.

  • You won’t rely on weapons or armor; instead, you’ll harness your body’s strength with Ki attacks. 
  • Subclasses like Way of the Four Elements, Way of the Open Hand, and Way of Shadow provide magic, versatility, and stealth to your combat repertoire.

Paladin: Holy Warriors with a Twist

Paladin BG3

Image courtesy of Baldur’s Gate 3

Paladins combine combat skills with a strong moral compass. 

  • These holier-than-thou warriors wield a vast range of weapons and armor and can provide healing and support. 
  • Your choice of Oath, such as Oath of the Ancients or Oath of Vengeance, will shape your character’s magical abilities and alignment.

Rogue: The Art of Stealth

Rogue BG3

Image courtesy of Baldur’s Gate 3

If avoiding damage and sneaking around is your forte, the Rogue class is your calling. 

  • With high dexterity and stealthy abilities, you can eliminate foes before they even see you. 
  • Subclasses like Thief, Arcane Trickster, and Assassin bring their own unique flair to stealthy gameplay.

Ranger: Nature’s Stalker

Ranger BG3

Image courtesy of Baldur’s Gate 3

If you prefer avoiding melee hits and love to snipe your enemies from afar, embrace the wilderness with the Ranger class.  

  • These agile hunters are experts at tracking and surviving in harsh environments. Choose your favored quarry and terrain for bonus skills. 
  • Subclasses like Beast Master, Hunter, and Gloom Stalker allow you to befriend or hunt creatures in your path.

Bard: The Charismatic Performer

Bard BG3

Image courtesy of Baldur’s Gate 3

Bards bring a touch of artistry to the battlefield. Select this class if you aim to infuse some musicality into your journey.

  • Bards use their high Charisma to inspire allies and cast spells. 
  • His impressive charisma proves invaluable when attempting to convince or deceive others during conversations.
  • Subclasses like Colleges of Lore, Valour, and Swords offer equipment, combat options, and skills to support your party members effectively.

Cleric: Healing with a Punch

Cleric BG3

Image courtesy of Baldur’s Gate 3

Clerics are versatile healers with surprising offensive capabilities. Opt for this class if you wish to prevent your comrades from dying in the midst of challenging battles.

  • Your choice of Cleric Domain and patron deity shapes your character, transforming you from a back-row healer into a melee medic wielding holy weapons.

Also Read: Best Shadowheart Companion Build in Baldur’s Gate 3

Druid: Shape-Shifting Nature Lovers

Druid BG3

Image courtesy of Baldur’s Gate 3

Druids have a deep connection to nature and can transform into animals. Whether you’re transforming into massive beasts for destruction or tiny creatures to sneak through crevices, the Druid class offers a truly enjoyable and flexible experience.

  • They offer healing, support, and the exciting ability to become a beast.
  • Subclasses like Circle of the Moon, Circle of the Land, and Circle of the Spores provide various playstyles.

Wizard: The Master of Magic

Wizard BG3

Image courtesy of Baldur’s Gate 3

Wizards are the quintessential spellcasters, armed with potent magical abilities. This class is an ideal choice if you enjoy experimenting with spell combinations using various elements.

  • Subclass choices emphasize specific spell types, allowing for a diverse range of spells suited to your preferences.

Warlock: Bargain for Otherworldly Power

Warlock BG3

Image courtesy of Baldur’s Gate 3

Warlocks gain magic through pacts with otherworldly beings. 

  • Their versatility shines in both offensive and social situations. 
  • The being you pledge allegiance to, like The Fiend or The Archfey, determines the nature of your spells.

Sorcerer: Innate Magical Talent

Sorcerer BG3

Image courtesy of Baldur’s Gate 3

Sorcerers are born with magical abilities, and their unique Metamagic feature allows them to enhance spells creatively. 

  • Subclass choices like Storm Sorcery, Wild Magic, and Draconic Bloodline further empower your spell casting.

Don’t stress if your chosen class doesn’t click right away. In Baldur’s Gate 3, you can respec your character at any time by seeking out the lich Withers, who will gladly help you redefine your path. And if you’re still unsure, there are pre-rolled characters waiting for you to jump into the adventure. So, embrace the diversity of classes, experiment, and discover your ideal playstyle in this epic RPG!

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Gamer, musician, writer.

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  1. September 4, 2023

    […] Also Read: Baldur’s Gate 3: A Guide to Find the Right Class […]

  2. September 14, 2023

    […] Also Read: Baldur’s Gate 3: A Guide to Find the Right Class […]

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