Honor of Kings Map Guide: Lanes and Objectives

Honor of Kings Map Guide: Lanes and Objectives
Image by Level Infinite

Honor of Kings (HoK) is a popular 5v5 multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game for mobile. With intense real-time battles, players must utilize strategy, teamwork and skill to destroy the enemy’s base. Understanding the map is crucial for success. This Honor of Kings map guide will provide an overview of Lanes and objectives, including other key features on the map.

Three-Lane Setup

The map follows the classic three-lane setup seen in MOBAs like League of Legends and Dota 2. There is a top lane, mid lane and bottom lane, each with three turrets protecting the base. Friendly minions spawn from bases and march down the lanes. This provides income and pushes lanes.

Top Lane (Clash Lane)

HoK Clash Lane

Image by Level Infinite

The top lane is situated at the top side of the map and is marked by the location of the Dark Slayer pit. It is the longest lane, making it the safest for fragile heroes who need time to farm and scale.

  • Melee fighters and bruisers often occupy the top lane 
  • Being isolated from other lanes means it is a pure 1v1 matchup
  • Heroes like Arthur, Sun Ce and Lu Bu thrive here.

Controlling the top lane lets you more easily take the Dark Slayer and Teleport Shrooms for better map mobility.

Mid Lane

HoK mid lane

Image by Level Infinite

The mid lane runs through the center of the map. Mages and assassins favor this lane for its close proximity to river objectives.

  • Strong poke and wave clear helps mid laners quickly shove the wave to gank side lanes or invade the enemy jungle. 
  • Heroes like Diaochan, Kongming and Peacekeeper dominate the mid lane.

Mid also functions as a second jungler. Roaming from mid to side lanes gives your team an advantage in skirmishes.

Bottom Lane (Farm Lane)

HoK Farm Lane

Image by Level Infinite

The bottom lane is the shortest lane, making it riskier for fragile marksmen. It is marked by the Abyssal Dragon pit.

  • AD carries partner with supports in this lane. 
  • Support abilities keep the ADC alive while they farm up. 
  • Popular bot lane picks include Luban No.7, Lady Sun and Private Ear.

Bot lane marksman impact teamfights later on, so they need ample farming early. Their support enables this by harassing enemies and setting up kills.

The expanded lane overview provides more context on the strategic nature of each lane. This allows players to better optimize their hero picks and laning tactics for success in Honor of Kings matches.

Jungle Camps

Between the three lanes are neutral jungle camps. Defeating these provides gold, experience and buffs. There are 6 camps per side, plus 2 river monsters.

Honor of Kings Jungle Camps

Image by Level Infinite

The jungler has Smite to secure neutral objectives. Upgrading the jungle item improves damage to monsters and provides sustain. Efficient jungling lets you gank lanes and control buffs and objectives.


  • Tyrants: Early-game river monsters. Provide gold, experience and damage buffs.
  • Overlords: Mid-game versions of Tyrants with better rewards. Can destroy a lane of towers.
  • Tempest Dragon: Late-game monster with a strong teamfight-winning buff.
  • Dark Slayer (Top) and Abyssal Dragon (Bottom): Major monsters providing gold, buffs and lane pressure.
  • Teleport Shrooms: Lets you teleport from top to bottom lane. Useful for ganks and fights.

Mastering the Honor of Kings map is vital for outplaying opponents and climbing the ranks. Study the layout, understand rotations and objective control. With great map awareness and macro strategy, you will dominate every match.

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Writer, graphic designer and a free-spirited critter.

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1 Response

  1. January 21, 2024

    […] Honor of Kings map features a symmetrical three-lane design with two bases located in opposite corners. There is a top lane, middle lane, and bottom lane, each protected by turrets. […]

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