Honor of Kings Map Strategies: Tips to Win Games

Honor of Kings map strategies: tips to win games
Image by Honor of Kings

Honor of Kings (HoK) is a popular 5v5 multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game for mobile devices. With its three-lane map design, jungle camps, and critical objectives, there are many intricacies for players to master. This ultimate guide covers everything you need to know about the Honor of Kings map strategies, including layout and objectives, control strategies, jungle mechanics, and tips to win games.

HoK Map Strategies and Tips

Honor of Kings map features a symmetrical three-lane design with two bases located in opposite corners. There is a top lane, middle lane, and bottom lane, each protected by turrets.

Honor of Kings map layout

Image by Honor of Kings

Between the lanes is the jungle area, filled with neutral monster camps. Running diagonally across the map is the river, which grants access to important objectives like the Tyrant and Overlord.

Each team starts on their side of the map in the base. The primary objective are to: 

  • Push down the lanes
  • Destroy the enemy turrets and other defenses
  • Ultimately destroy their core located deep in the base.

Follow these tips and tricks to win games.

Effective Map Control Strategies

Managing the lanes and properly controlling the flow of minions is an important element of the game, as well as other objectives:

  • Lane Management – Control minion waves and pressure lanes to force enemy reactions and create opportunities.
  • Objective Control – Secure vital objectives like the Tyrant, Overlord, enemy turrets for buffs and resources.
  • Rotations & Roaming – Use effective rotations and roams to surprise enemies and enable kills and objectives.

Understanding Jungle Mechanics

The jungle provides buffs, gold, and experience to help your team get ahead. The jungler role focuses on efficiently clearing camps and ganking unsuspecting enemies.

  • Jungle Camps – Provide XP, gold, and buffs. Efficient clearing denies enemy resources.
  • Buffs – Might Golem (damage) and Sage Golem (mana regen) dramatically boost early/mid-game performance.
  • Ganking – Ambushing enemy heroes in lanes can get kills and force defensive play.
HoK strategies

Image by Level Infinite

Tips for Successful Team Fights

  • Positioning – Each hero has optimal positioning. Frontliners engage while damage dealers stay safe.
  • Target Selection – Focus on eliminating high-threat enemies like damage dealers first.
  • Cooldowns – Manage ability cooldowns to maximize damage and crowd control.
  • Vision – Wards provide vital information about enemy locations and intentions.

The Importance of Vision and Warding

Warding the map to gain vision and map control is also crucial. This allows you to:

  • Prevents ganks by providing advance warning
  • Allows objective control by tracking enemy’s movements
  • Enables map awareness and informed decision making.

Placing wards in key spots like the river, jungle entrances, and around objectives is important.

Overall, the map tests a player’s ability to balance offense and defense. Proper lane management, smart rotations and ganks, jungle control, vision, and successful team fights are all essential to victory. Mastering the map is key to thrive in the competitive environment of Honor of Kings. With this ultimate guide, you are prepared with the knowledge needed to win the battlefield.

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Writer, graphic designer and a free-spirited critter.

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1 Response

  1. January 21, 2024

    […] of Kings Global, the highly anticipated multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game, is finally launching worldwide in early 2024. Developed by TiMi Studio Group, this title aims to […]

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